Ah yes, that part of life where we cross over to the other side. People are afraid to die. Why is that? Why be afraid to die when there's an adventure just beyond the horizon to be had? Are we so locked in this mortal coil that we just don't know what's out there on the other side of life? That we are afraid to die? Personally I would welcome it.

Now let me clarify, I'm not ready to up and end my life. There's no reason for that. Just so we're clear on that fact. But it would be interesting to see what's on the other side of the curtain as it were. Where those who have passed on live to see what it's like. Just a small vacation as it were then I'd be back. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Death Death Here's what bing says about death (click it to enlarge). So that's interesting. The synonyms are interesting at best. Death is an interesting thing to study. The end of something. Something great? Maybe. Something terrible? Also a maybe. Either way, death is the stopping/end of something. It's funny, everyone goes through this process. No one can escape it. No matter how hard you try, there's no machine or process that will actually make you live longer. So why try and make it so you are able to do so? There's no reason to. Do people want to cling onto life so much that they are willing to just let go of what's on the other side? What if there are loved ones who they haven't seen or actually met there? Wouldn't you want to go there to talk with and learn from them? I think it would be fascinating.

Everyone has their own thought process of course. So it's up to you.


Books To Read

  • The Martian Chronicles
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • The Illustrated Man
  • The Time Traveler's Wife
  • Dandelion Wine
  • Star Trek Mirror Universe: The Sorrows of Empire
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Screwtape Letters


  • Covered In Punk (Portobella)
  • It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
  • If I Am (Nine Days)
  • What About Us (Pink)

Programming Books To Read

  • Intermediate Perl
  • Programming Perl
  • Perl Cookbook

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