There are times when I worry.

Worry I was reading on Reddit one day, what are some things that you worry about the most. If it's a constant worry, then that's an easy answer. Everything. Yeah, I tend to worry about everything in the universe it would seem. I don't know why I worry about things like that. It's crazy. I wish I had an idea of why I tend to worry about things. I mean wouldn't it be a good thing to have that all figured out? Yeah I was thinking so.

It would be easier not to worry about things, not to have anxiety about things. But I think life without some worry or anxiety would be rather bad for us. I don't have an exact clue of why or how that would be, but I'm just certain that some of it is a good thing to have in ones life. To keep their body moving forward.

So let's list out some things that worry me. Driving for example. It's a terrible worry to be in control over a vehicle. So I don't drive. Maybe that's not the kind of worry to be thinking about though, I'm not sure. I suppose any kind of worry can be any kind of woorry. So that's a good exmaple of worry that I have. I mean we're talking nightmares about driving that I have. Not just a natural fear or worry I guess then is it? No, I didn't think so. My driving instructor even said he was afraid I'd end up killing someone. I have that so ingrained in my mind that I can't bring myself to drive. Talk about a disabling worry/stressor.

Sometimes just being in a car freaks me out. I can actually see accidents happening. They might fall under hallucinations though. I can see cars coming at us and crashing into us. So I try my best not to pay attention to anything when we're going someplace. Probably not the best thing to happen if we actually do get into an accident, I wouldn't be a good witness, but yeah that's just how things are. Also being behind the steering wheel of a car freaks me out bad. I feel trapped, unable to move.


Books To Read

  • The Martian Chronicles
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • The Illustrated Man
  • The Time Traveler's Wife
  • Dandelion Wine
  • Star Trek Mirror Universe: The Sorrows of Empire
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Screwtape Letters


  • Covered In Punk (Portobella)
  • It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
  • If I Am (Nine Days)
  • What About Us (Pink)

Programming Books To Read

  • Intermediate Perl
  • Programming Perl
  • Perl Cookbook

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