The demons tend to come and go. There's no rhyme or reason to their madness. They aren't demons like you would see in most movies. No, those are Hollywood made up things. I'm talking about actual hallucinations that happen when you're awake. You see things, you hear things. Audio and visual hallucinations are what we're after here. Yeah I even get those from time to time.

There should be times when the demons aren't allowed to come around. Like night time. That would be a perfect time for them to just go away. But you don't get to pick the time they come around. No, you don't get to pick any of it. You can either acknowledge their presence or ignore them. If you ignore them, they might become agitated. So prepare yourself for that.

I've been told at times not to write down what I hear these voices say, yet I've also heard that I should log these things so that I have a record of it and I can come up with a better way of handling things when they come around. It becomes very difficult to understand what is best for me.

Sometimes the demons come and go as they please. Other time they just stick around and don't leave me alone. I'd rather they would simply go away, but that decision isn't always up to me. Writing it all out there for my own brain to comprehend I guess. Just waiting to see where I'm at, at the current moment in time. Does that make sense? Yeah I have no clue or idea how any of this works.

I've decided to keep a record of what's being said to me by these demons. If it goes south, then I'll just stop. But I don't see it going south yet. Yet is the key word there I believe. We know what can happen when I write to these demons allowing them to articulate what's going on in their existence to me.


Books To Read

  • The Martian Chronicles
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • The Illustrated Man
  • The Time Traveler's Wife
  • Dandelion Wine
  • Star Trek Mirror Universe: The Sorrows of Empire
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Screwtape Letters


  • Covered In Punk (Portobella)
  • It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
  • If I Am (Nine Days)
  • What About Us (Pink)

Programming Books To Read

  • Intermediate Perl
  • Programming Perl
  • Perl Cookbook

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